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  • The “Cort d’Amor”: A Thirteenth Century Occitan Allegorical Art of Love

    With the exception of the romance of Flamenca, and to a lesser extent, the Arthurian romance of Jaufre. the medieval Occitan narrative poems of the thirteenth century have attracted very little scholarly attention, and among the shorter novas, only one, the Castla-gllos by Raimon Vidal, has been published recently. No full length study of Occitan allegory has yet appeared, al­ though one scholar,. Marc-RenS Jung, did devote one chap­ te r to th is topic in a broad survey of the medieval allegorical poem: Etudes sur le poeme allégorlque en France au rao.yen age. Unfortunately, nearly all studies of medieval allegory that have appeared In the last two decades take one or another of the great epic allegories like The Romance of the Rose. The Divine Comedy, or The Canterbury Tales, as. either point of departure or point of arrival, and as a result, the ensuing source studies or definitions are inevitably distorted by the magnetic field that such masterpieces ordinarily deploy. This tendency is particularly disappointing (in view of the fact that the Occitan allegories are, for the most part, earlier than the Romance of the Rose of Guillaume de Lorris, the first of these epic allegories. For this reason, if for no other, they deserve to be considered for and .by themselves.
